Showing 94 Result(s)

Why Plan A Destination Wedding

Do you have an overall wedding vision but you’re just to busy to execute the plan? Maybe you’re excited to get started planning but have no idea where to begin or what steps to take. Choosing to have your wedding in an exotic destination, especially a tropical location is quickly becoming a hot trend among …

When To Plan A Vacation

Show of hands, anyone else feeling that itch to travel, the need to escape this cold weather ASAP and dreaming of beaches and margaritas? Well this podcast won’t help the feeling, but it WILL give you some inspiration to think about when to plan a vacation. Some people relish getting on the open road and …

Why Couples Need To Take A Vacation Together

Think back to when you first started dating, it was Hot and Spicy all the time. You couldn't keep your hands off each other, the sparks were flying. You only had eyes for one another and no one else, you waited in anticipation for the phone calls so you could spend endless hours tying of …

The Inception of JEK Travels

When people look at my travel agency today, many assume that it was easy to get started and clients were flocking at our doorsteps left and right booking trips. That far from the truth, just like other entrepreneurs, it was sleepless nights, blood, sweat, and many tears. I even thought about quitting and giving up. …

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